
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Mission Revive - Know Thy Self and more w/ Dr. Randall Smith
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Join Mission Revive's hosts Anne Costa and Bob Newberry for a lively interview with Dr. Randall Smith. He is a Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas in Houston and a research fellow in the Civitas Institute at the University of Texas at Austin. He completed a B.A. in Chemistry at Cornell College in Iowa; a Masters degree in Theology at the University of Dallas; and a Ph.D. in Medieval Studies and Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of several books including How to Read a Sermon by Thomas Aquinas: A Beginner's Guide (Emmaus Academic, 2106); Aquinas, Bonaventure and the Scholastic Culture of Medieval Paris (Cambridge University Press, 2021); From Here to Eternity: Reflections on Death, Immortality, and the Resurrection of the Body (Emmaus, 2021). His book Mapping Bonaventure's Journey into God, a book-length commentary on St. Bonaventure's Journey of the Mind Into God is in process with Cambridge University Press. His articles also appear regularly in the Catholic media, including The New Oxford Review, Catholic World Report, and The Catholic Thing. He is married to a brilliant poet, and his favorite vehicle to drive is a school bus.

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Mission Revive - All things St. Michael w/Carol Puschaver
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Join Mission Revive's hosts Anne Costa and Bob Newberry for a informative interview with Carol Puschaver on all things St. Michael and on an upcoming St. Michael mission in the spring of 2024 . Carol earned her Master’s degree in English at Kent State University, Ohio, and lives in Upstate New York. A life-long scholar with an irrepressible curiosity, amateur historian specializing in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, and world traveler, she has a deep devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Saint Michael the Archangel. She is also the coordinator for REVIVE Hope and Healing's St. Michael Ministry.
You can find out more about St. Michael here: www.revivehopeandhealing.com/st-michaels-ministry
Carol's new book -The Saint Michael Chaplet: A Divine Catechesis on the Angels and Gifts of Heaven here: www.amazon.com/Saint-Michael-Chaplet-Divine-Catechesis-ebook/dp/B0BS1MGSL5/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=carol+puschaver&s=books&sr=1-1

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Mission Revive -Theology of the Body Thursday with Sharon Flanagan Series 3
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Join your Mission Revive hosts Bob Newberry and Anne Costa for Theology of the Body Thursday- part 3. Bob, Anne and Sharon Flanagan will continue to unpack the foundation of TOB and give us a glimpse into what God intended for our bodies. Sharon Flanagan has worked for the Diocese of Syracuse as a Chastity and Theology of the Body Educator. She has presented these topics many times to youth and adults in parishes and schools. Sharon received a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Stony Brook University and a Master’s Degree in Education from Syracuse University. She is a graduate of the Theology of the Body Institute and has received certification through the Institute. Sharon has been married to her husband, Jack, for 22 years and has three stepchildren. For more information on how to invite Sharon to speak at your parish or group, you can reach her here: sflanagan@twcny.rr.com

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Mission Revive-Sr. Teresa Grace Baillargeon- Living in God’s Joy Whatever Your Vocation
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Join Mission Revive's hosts Anne Costa and Bob Newberry for a joy-filled conversation with Sr. Teresa Grace Baillargeon, C.R. Sr. Teresa Grace is the Vocation Directress of the Sisters of the Resurrection (New York Province) and lives at the Sisters’ Provincial House in Castleton-on-Hudson, New York.
She entered the Congregation in 1992 and professed perpetual vows in 2000. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in accounting, and an MBA from the State University of New York at Albany.
Her current ministry is within the Finance Office of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany. She holds the title of Parish Bookkeeping Support Specialist where she helps parish bookkeepers with their accounting and computer needs.
Sr. Teresa Grace is the fifth of six children and a native of New Hampshire. She is very passionate about the following four things:
Everything related to Boston sports (go Red Sox)
Her beautiful family
The Resurrection spirit (which she shares with everyone)
The privilege to journey with women as they discern God’s call for them in their life
You can find out more about the Sisters of the Resurrection here: https://resurrectionsisters.org/

Thursday May 11, 2023
Mission Revive -Theology of the Body Thursday with Sharon Flanagan Series 2
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Join your Mission Revive host Bob Newberry (he is at the helm today) for our 2nd in an eight part series - Theology of the Body Thursday. Sharon and Bob will continue to unpack the foundation of TOB and give us a glimpse into what God intended for our bodies. Sharon Flanagan has worked for the Diocese of Syracuse as a Chastity and Theology of the Body Educator. She has presented these topics many times to youth and adults in parishes and schools. Sharon received a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Stony Brook University and a Master’s Degree in Education from Syracuse University. She is a graduate of the Theology of the Body Institute and has received certification through the Institute. Sharon has been married to her husband, Jack, for 22 years and has three stepchildren. For more information on how to invite Sharon to speak at your parish or group, you can reach her here: sflanagan@twcny.rr.com
Apologies for our technical difficulties (they have since been fixed)this episode was recorded at an earlier time. :)

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Mission Revive-Deby Sansone-Schlapprizzi -Finding the Splendor of You
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Join Mission Revive's hosts Anne Costa and Bob Newberry for a light-filled interview with Deby Sansone-Schlapprizzi. Deby is a nationally acclaimed motivational speaker, television contributor, radio host and life activist. She has been blessed with many prestigious awards and has received recognition from renowned publications including The Wall Street Journal.
You can find her website here: http://www.splendorofyou.com/
You can find her radio show here: https://ourcatholicradio.org/programs/splendor-you

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Mission Revive - Theology of the Body Thursday with Sharon Flanagan
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Join your Mission Revive host Bob Newberry (he is at the helm today) for our first in an eight part series - Theology of the Body Thursday. Sharon and Bob will start to unpack the foundation of TOB and give us a glimpse into what God intended for our bodies. Sharon Flanagan has worked for the Diocese of Syracuse as a Chastity and Theology of the Body Educator. She has presented these topics many times to youth and adults in parishes and schools. Sharon received a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Stony Brook University and a Master’s Degree in Education from Syracuse University. She is a graduate of the Theology of the Body Institute and has received certification through the Institute. Sharon has been married to her husband, Jack, for 22 years and has three stepchildren.
For more information on how to invite Sharon to speak at your parish or with your group, you can reach her here: sflanagan@twcny.rr.com
Pontifical Council for the Family. The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality. Guidelines for Education Within the Family. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference, 1996. You can find the document here: https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/family/documents/rc_pc_family_doc_08121995_human-sexuality_en.html
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd ed. (CCC) Washington, DC: Libreria Editrice Vaticana- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), 2019. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
The New American Bible, Saint Joseph Edition. New York, NY: Catholic Book Publishing Corp, 1992.
Lectio Divina: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Lectio Divina of the Gospels, For the Liturgical Year 2022-2023, Washington, DC. https://catholic.bible (Lectio Divina in English-Catholic Bible)
Theology of the Body book for adults: John Paul II. Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body. Translation by Michael Waldstein. Boston: Pauline Books & Media, 2006
Theology of the Body K-12 curriculum for Catholic Schools, Parishes and Families Ruah Woods: https://www.ruahwoodsinstitute.org
The Body Matters. A Pre-School through 8th Grade Theology of the Body program for Families Faith Formation, and Catholic Schools Theology of the Body Evangelization Team (TOBET). https://tobet.org
Book for young children: Henning, Heather. What Did God Make? Boston, MA: Pauline Books & Media, 2020.

Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Mission Revive-Fr. Chris Ballard-His Recent Travels and Points to Ponder
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Join Mission Revive's hosts Anne Costa and Bob Newberry for a an interesting podcast with Fr. Chris Ballard. Father was born in Syracuse, NY and was ordained a priest in 2010. He has been an associate pastor at St. James in Johnson City and Immaculate Conception in Fayetteville. He has served as pastor at Our Lady of Hope in Syracuse and is currently the pastor of the Spirit of Hope Catholic Community in and around Oneida, NY. Fr. Chris’ favorite part of his ministry is preaching and teaching and he enjoys the opportunity to dialogue and defend the Faith. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling, hanging out at the lake and spending time with his cats Francis and Clare.